On July 31 and August 1, Audit was carried out in Puerto Corinth, carried out by DGTA authorities, where tours of all the port's surveillance posts were carried out, reviewing the forms of security boarding, perimeters, procedures, review of people, trucks, packages.

Completing the audit with Closing Meeting where opportunities for improvements were given and thus maintaining certification as a safe harbor.


On Saturday, July 22, a Neuroeducation Fair was held at the Hex Hotel & Convention Center, activity that had the participation of the general public, with international speakers, in which topics such as:

1. Neurofelicity, Train your brain to be happy
2. Pedagogical essence for competent training
3. How to predict our financial future
4. Developing unwavering leadership
5. Importance of Leadership in Youth Entrepreneurship



SERVIPRO ratifies the Quality of the security services provided, yesterday July 20 of this year the Meeting of Closure of the External Audit process was held by the certification body Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC), an activity that lasted four days, which began on Monday, July 17, resulting in the granting of ISO 9001:2015 Certification.



The Quality Certificate proves that a company complies with the regulations in force in the elaboration or execution of a product or service. It is a badge of guarantee and security before its customers and prestige in front of the market.

ISO 9001 sets out the requirements that a quality management system must meet, and is applicable to any type and size of organization. Being competitive today is a fundamental factor and the ISO 9001 certificate is undoubtedly an indispensable requirement to strengthen your own organization and business relationships, constituting a key pillar to sustain your company's durability over time.


The benefits of ISO 9001 certification are evident both internally and externally:

INTERNALLY The ISO 9001 certificate provides your organization with an effective tool to analyze and determine the key points that need to be improved, reviewing the proper implementation of your quality management system in a complete and documented manner.

Internal Advantages:

1. Improvement of the key points of the organization.

2. Strengthening the organization.

3. Implementation of an effective quality management system, which allows the reduction of rejections and incidents, increased productivity and greater commitment to the customer, increase the safety of our customers, through the
approach to risk-based thoughts that ensure continuous improvement.

EXTERNALLY The ISO 9001 certificate puts your business in outstanding positions within your market and with competitive advantages that allow you to offer products or services that meet the requirements of your customers and meet your needs.

External Advantages:

Market positioning.

Competitive advantages over other companies in the sector.

Maximum effectiveness of the products or services offered by the company.


El día de hoy 19 de julio, se llevo a cabo el tercer día en Auditoria Externa de Renovación y actualización ICONTEC.

Existen unos estándares de gestión de la calidad normalizados, es decir, definidos por el organismo normalizador, como ISO. que permiten que una empresa con un sistema de gestión de la calidad pueda validar su efectividad mediante una auditoría externa.


Yesterday July 18, was the second day in external audit of renewal and updating ICONTEC, that audit was conducted in the field, where he met the guardians of security on its activities in the service, and the attention and quality of the service offered to our customers.


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