The Evaluation of the annual operational plan, is one of the final efforts in any planning process. On February 22, the 2018 annual operational plan was evaluated, which consisted of a step and results verification process that allowed to measure the progress and development of the organization, through the fulfillment of goals, strategies and objectives to know the impact that the planned actions have had and the result obtained, presented to members of the Board of Directors by each process owner.

This process is of vital importance to the company to know and analyze whether the proposed planning is actually directing the organization in the right direction and thus carry out the planning of the actions to be incorporated into the Annual Operational Plan 2019.

In addition, the staff involved were involved in the fulfillment of the organization's strategies.


On February 20th the review process was initiated by the management of the year 2018, with everyone involved in the management system process.

Carrying out the review of the management system by the management adds value, since an analysis of all the information of the management system is carried out and the extraction of conclusions on alignment with processes strategic of the company.

It is necessary to carry out the review of the management system by the management to allow the company to make decisions thanks to the information provided by its management system.


There are moments that are classified as Emergency Situations, where an unexpected event happens, that unfolds in a serious, unexpected way and that overflows our action, the forecast and all the actions that we can think of to carry out specific facts, that happen accidentally, as much as they could have been prevented, but that in any case demand that we act quickly , consciously and with the necessary knowledge.

On 16 February, first aid course was held with the operational staff for the purpose and responding to the need to act quickly and in the right way we can only do so if we have knowledge about first aid. That's why it's so important to know how to react and what we have to do. Poor practice can be very damaging to the victim and could cause further damage and make the consequences even worse. For this reason, we always say in our formations.


On January 31, the Internal Auditors course began with the aim of:

Acquire the competences, i.e. knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to identify, understand and apply ISO 9001: 2015.
Promote the development of internal audits to determine the degree of conformity of the QMS with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 noma.

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